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The reflection of the class work

The studio becomes not a place for idea generation, but a place that prevents idea creation. I don’t think I’ve get lots of work done in studio apart from the class activities we’ve done together. Then after the “formal” part of the class, it turns into an awkward place. I talked with Brock about this, and we sure will find it extremely awkward when we walk in. The studio is quiet, and everyone seem to work on their own stuff, looking at their small screen.

It’s not that it’s new for us. We are classmates, but triangulation doesn’t happen easily. I owe that to the physical spatial configuration, the layout the studio, and the fact that we are not able to call the studio home. I understand that I’m asking too much, but for creative minds, a studio should be a place to be called home. We need space to put our thoughts on, such as lots of surfaces to write on. When we move from home to studio, I wasn’t able to think properly. I’d have to move my tracing paper with me. I know it’s hard to get started and get in the zone.

For studios

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